Monday, September 20, 2010

the climb

The symbolism of a spiral staircase is that of a spiritual journey or spiritual progress. It symbolizes the process of illumination, when one sees things more clearly, from a space within that was uncharted, unclaimed. Each step on the stairs turns slightly, turns upon itself, bringing a new experience, set up by the prior, a breakthrough. Eventually you climb to the new level where there name it.

Suddenly everything seems possible.

There were times when I felt I was stuck on the staircase landing, moving forward still, or working to move forward, but never getting to the next step to take me higher. I felt that i was on a sort of treadmill-the treadmill landing- walking on and on....

When you open to things uncommon, more enlightening things open up to you. The treadmill stops and you step forward...then you step up.

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